Thursday, November 5, 2009

Updated Weston will want to see

I figure if I am up late with the little dude, I could make a blog post about him. Look at that face!!! I told Dallan that I could probably be arrested for the amount of times I kiss him a day. Hundreds at least (I am not exaggerating.)

We are all so in love with this little guy. He is super sweet. This is probably only one of 3 (if that) nights I have come downstairs with him at night because he was being sad. He is asleep in my arms right now. He first slept through the night at 1 1/2 weeks old. And probably 90% of the nights now he goes at least 6-7 hours. Neither Dallan or I feel we have lost much sleep over him.

Addie wants to marry him, and we fight over who's boyfriend he is. (Mine!)
I thought I wanted a boy for Dallan's sake. I was perfectly happy with all girls. I thank my lucky stars I have him, and am so glad we got this little guy. I just didn't know how I would love on a little boy. Dallan said the same thing, he didn't know how much he would "adore" him.
The heart breaking thing about this 95% height boy is that he is growing up so fast. It breaks our hearts daily. I keep dressing him in 0-6 months stuff thinking that will keep him a baby. He is only 3 months old, and I am about to break out 9 month stuff. LOVE HIM!


♥Tami said...

So Cute! Why does he have blue lips?
Sounds like he is going to be a tall boy! Glad you updated!

Megan said...

I love him too! He is so sweet, thank you a billion for posting more pictures...seriously. I'm glad you mentioned all that about having a boy, because for some reason in my heart I think I hate girls???

Heidi said...

What a lovely little boy. I can see why all you girls love him.

grammajill said...

I guess his purple mouth and lips are from the thrush medecine, he just looks cold sometimes. What a cutie! He is so long he might be called stretch, too!

Estelle Kane said...

He is adorable!! You make me want a boy!