Here are a couple pages of Weston. I premade the pages before I had him and had a little more time. So I just had to pop the photos in. They turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself. Poor little guy has been living under lights for 4 days in his own suitcase sized tanning bed for his jaundice. He was at a 18.8, they hospitalize them at 20. So we have him down to 13.3, but normal is 8, so he will be in the lights for a few more days. We still get him out and love on him, but try to get all his sleeping done in the bed. So I will get more cute photos out as soon as I can take them.
Mourning Whales & Morning Wails
1 week ago
So cute, I kinda want to punch you in the face, Oliver has zero pages, what a good mommy you are...
Love, love, love him AND the cute pages! Really sweet ones. You are soo on top of things, holy cow! Really sweet.
How in the world do you already have pages done (stinking adorable ones too)? What's WRONG with me!!!!!!!
GORGE PAGES~can I have them???
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